Results: Your organization is doing well following website best practices – the maintenance you are doing now will keep your house in shape! We hope you’ve added any new checklist items you discovered to your processes. Is your CRM getting the same kind of attention? We’ve sent an email you can forward to your CRM admin so they can sign up to take the quiz and reveal if it’s just as well-maintained. Nonprofit CRM Best Practices: Mountain or Molehill? Is your CRM at risk of encountering significant data issues? Adopting best practices ensures your CRM remains a reliable source of truth for all your organizational data. You don’t want to be the organization whose CRM is underutilized and hindering growth. You want to maximize its potential, right? Take the Nonprofit CRM Best Practices Quiz to determine whether you’re facing mountain to climb or a molehill to navigate, to be in good shape. Enhance your knowledge to avoid the cliff edge of data inaccuracies. Discover what facilitates an easy assent for staff utilization. Identify blind spots before you venture too far up the mountainside. Don’t Let Your CRM Lead You Off the Beaten Path. Take the Short Quiz Today.