Thanks to Back Office Thinking’s efforts, SVT now has a streamlined system for tracking volunteer monitor hours and the conditions of our conservation properties. We eliminated manual entry of monitoring reports saving valuable staff time, and our Salesforce records are automatically up-to-date. This has greatly streamlined the administration of our properties and our volunteer program. – Deborah Sargent, Communications Manager at Sudbury Valley Trustees
Organization Type
Sudbury Valley Trustees has protected over 5,000 acres of fields, forests, and farms, covering 36 communities with more than 65 miles of hiking trails. Knowing Drupal 7 was going to be retired, they wanted to take the opportunity to create a more interactive and engaging website along with a user-friendly donation process. SVT’s largest source of content is nature sightings photos, but they were disconnected from the rest of the website. Also, Volunteer Property Monitors had been in the field using hard copy reports about the condition of trails that staff would enter into their database.
BackOffice Thinking partnered with SVT to upgrade their Drupal website and add in features to connect content, reports, and Salesforce.
A new volunteer portal integration between Salesforce and Drupal was created for volunteers to easily enter monitoring logs and time while in the field. Now, one system handles all of the details about Their properties (transaction history, property conditions, habitat restoration projects, etc.) and tracks/calculates the number of hours each Volunteer works.
A new tagging system allows the public to enter photos for the “Nature Sightings” page which automatically display in multiple areas of the website, enhancing the visitor experience. A landing page for each property and a specific trail section with an interactive map and downloadable Trail map, quickly connects visitors to the most important information.