How Accessible Is Your Nonprofit Website? May 25, 2021 by Brad DeForest Thinking in: CMS/Websites, DesignHow accessible is your website? Was accessibility a consideration when your website was designed? When we work with our clients, digital accessibility is a key focus of our work. If your website is to be a true “mission delivery platform,” helping you fully achieve your organization’s goals, it needs to serve all your constituents. Your… Read More
Nonprofit Website Redesign: Bringing It All Together April 29, 2019 by Brad DeForest Thinking in: CMS/Websites, DesignIn previous blog posts, we’ve talked about Breaking the “Brochureware” Mindset and the Identity+Brain connection. Bringing all of it together will get us to a successful website design. Steve Jobs once said, “Design is not just what it looks like & feels like. Design is how it works.” When talking about websites, my version sounds… Read More
Nonprofit Website Redesign: Identity + Brain April 29, 2019 by Brad DeForest Thinking in: CMS/Websites, DesignDeveloping Your Interface In a previous blog post, we talked about Breaking the “Brochureware” Mindset and thinking about your organization’s Constituent User Interface (CUI) as an interactive hub. Now, we are going to focus on two primary concepts that can help you develop your CUI: Your Organization’s Identity: Your public “persona,” the face you’re presenting… Read More
Nonprofit Website Redesign: Breaking the Brochureware Mindset April 29, 2019 by Brad DeForest Thinking in: CMS/Websites, DesignWhen you think about redesigning your nonprofit’s website, what comes to mind? Often, organizations start with a list of information they need to share — facts, figures, operating hours, maybe a donate button. It’s time to move on from this “brochureware” approach. We’re here to suggest a totally new mindset that will help you establish… Read More
Nonprofit Website Redesign: Backpacking Through a Website November 9, 2018 by admin Thinking in: CMS/Websites, Design, StrategyHow to Lose and Confuse Your Visitors. What does backpacking have to do with a website? It practically has nothing to do with it, except, sometimes that is what your users are doing when they visit it. Some synonyms for backpacking according to is wandering, rambling and hitchhiking. Yikes. Is this potentially how a visitor feels… Read More